Security hub

Rest assured, your data is in secure hands. At Priofy, we recognise that your projects hold sensitive, confidential and classified information crucial to your organisation's operations and competitive edge.

IT security

Built from the ground up

Data security

Safeguarding our clients' information is of paramount importance to Priofy. We prioritise the security, protection and confidentiality of your data. To achieve this, we implement top-tier security measures, encompassing robust technical, logical and legal safeguards to shield your data from unauthorised access or loss.

Priofy is exclusively developed and maintained by our skilled team in Germany, with a proven track record of experience. Our production system and customer data reside solely within redundant, secure data centers housed within the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC by Deutsche Telekom) in Germany. This infrastructure ensures end-to-end security and privacy features. Additionally, our team proactively implements measures to maintain a secure environment.

We go above and beyond to fortify your data's safety by incorporating multiple layers of protection and customisable controls that align with your specific security requirements.

Penetration tests

To guarantee the security of your data and protect it from unauthorised access, we engage external security experts to conduct periodic penetration tests on Priofy. You can access the most recent report (the comprehensive report can be made available under a confidentiality agreement upon request).

System status

Through the Priofy status page, users have a centralised source of information regarding the accessibility and performance of Priofy and its functionalities. Additionally, the status page provides updates on scheduled maintenance windows, ensuring you are well-informed.

Data protection

Complete security & data control

Data privacy

At Priofy, safeguarding your privacy and the confidentiality of your data is our unwavering commitment. We encourage you to review our privacy policy, which outlines the protocols for the collection and processing of your data.

Privacy Policy


Ensuring adherence to privacy & security standards


Priofy is in full accordance with the regulations outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the CAN-SPAM Act.

Open Telekom Cloud (OTC)

Priofy is entirely hosted within the OTC environment, which is subject to stringent regulations and undergoes routine evaluations and certifications by reputable independent bodies (including TISAX, PSA, TCDP 1.0, SOC 1, SOC 2, BSI C5, ISO 27000 Family and various other ISO certificates).

Terms and conditions

Transparent, comprehensible and user-friendly

Terms of service

To deliver our services effectively, we require your consent to our terms of use. You can find our Subscription Agreement here, which outlines the partnership between Priofy GmbH and our customers in detail.


We place significant emphasis on choosing the most reliable subprocessors for our software. You can access a roster of the subprocessors engaged by Priofy GmbH in compliance with Article 28 of the GDPR here.

Contact us

We recognise that you might have particular inquiries that are not covered on this page. We urge you to get in touch with us should you have any queries regarding Priofy's security and compliance protocols. Please be aware that Priofy is dedicated to enhancing its security measures continuously, the details provided on this page may be subject to updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is our data kept secure and handled with confidentiality?

At Priofy, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your data is of utmost importance to us. For a detailed overview of our security measures, we invite you to visit our Security Hub.

Security hub

Where is Priofy hosted?

Priofy is developed exclusively by our dedicated team of professionals, all of whom possess extensive experience, impressive track records, and a well-established reputation in the field. Our team operates from our headquarters in Germany, and our production systems, as well as customer data, are securely housed in data centres utilising the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) infrastructure, all located within Germany.

To ensure the utmost security of your data, we have implemented enterprise-class security measures encompassing robust technical, logical, and legal safeguards. These precautions are designed to protect your data from potential loss or unauthorised access. We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for your data, with multiple layers of protection and customisable controls that cater to your specific security requirements.

Read more

Is Priofy in compliance with GDPR?

Priofy is dedicated to and required by European and German legislation to ensure the protection of user data and privacy. Further details can be found in our Security Hub.

Security hub

How can I access your privacy policy?

You can review our privacy policy by simply clicking on the designated button provided below.

Privacy Policy

How can I access your terms of use?

You can review our Terms of Use by clicking on the button below.

Terms of use


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